Racial Justice Resources

Resources shared by Skye Ward to educate the SMC Community on racial justice, anti-black racism, and the Black Lives Matter movement. Resources are divided up by departments and topics.

Advocacy in Education

Black Teacher Project, National Equity Project. Every child deserves a black teacher. [Advocacy website].

Education Liberation Network. Edlib. [Advocacy Website]

Rethinking Schools. [Advocacy Website]

Books, Chapters, Articles

Love, B. (2019, March 18). Dear white teachers: You can't love your black students if you don't know them: Why loving all students isn’t good enough. Education Week.

Pitts, J. (2017, Summer). Bringing Black Lives Matter Into the Classroom (Part II ). Teaching Tolerance.

Rethinking Schools. (n.d.). Black Lives Matter at School: From the Week of Action to Year-Round Anti-Racist Pedagogy and Protest. [Article -- website]

Watson, D., Hagopian, J., & Au, W. (2018). Teaching for Black Lives. Milwaukee, WI: Rethinking Schools.

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