WaGS 101

This Women and Gender Studies guide is for WaGS 101 students, to help them with their research project


Citations from Library Search and Databases

You can copy citations directly from Library Search results, from Google Scholar, or from databases.

In Library Search, look for this icon: citation button from Library Search

Keep in mind that these citations are created algorithmically, so you'll want to double check citations for accuracy before including them in your work.

Citation Management Software

Consider using  Zotero (available as an app and a browser extension) to better manage your online citations. You can also use Mendeley. Both are free! To find out more, to go the Citation Managers guide.

Additional Citation Resources


Writing Assistance

Having trouble putting it all together? The SMC Center for Writing Across the Curriculum (or, "The Writing Center"or CWAC) offers peer-to-peer advising sessions for both undergraduate and graduate students. You can call or stop by to make an appointment, or can also drop in and do a session immediately, if an adviser is available. See the CWAC website for more information, or stop by the first floor of DeLaSalle, or call CWAC: 925.631.4684

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.