How to Do Library Research


Welcome! This guide walks you through some questions, processes, and resources that will be useful to consider as you conduct research for English 3, 4, and 5 (and most classes, really). Use the Contact Your Librarian box on the left if you have questions!

Before You Start...

Think about the questions below to help plan your approach to the topic. You may find that free-writing in response to these questions will help stimulate your thinking even further.

  1. What is your topic or research question?
  2. What do you already know about this topic? 
  3. What is your point of view on this topic? Where do those beliefs come from?
  4. What are some things you still need to learn about this topic, or questions you have?
  5. Do a search for information on your topic (use Google, the Library website, or whatever tool you want). What kinds of issues did you see reflected in the writings that came up? What questions do you have now?

Using the Library Website

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