Business and Finance

The recommended first-stop for all business research. Use the left side bar to navigate to the various kinds of resources available through the SMC Library.

Staying informed

decorative image of Wall St. in NYC

The business and economic world changes quickly. Stay up to date on current events with these recommended resources at the library and beyond.


Sign up for your free accounts through SMC to three major newspapers of record. Once you create your account via the links below, you can access the news and get alerts via the mobile app.

The New York Times front page image

The New York Times

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The Wall Street Journal front page image

The Wall Street Journal

(First time? Register your account here)

Financial Times

(First time? Register your account here)

See the FAQ page for more information on signing up for these newspapers.



Many news magazines have amazing content on their websites, but you may hit paywalls. While they don't offer site licenses like the newspapers above, you can typically find the full-text of articles via our online content subscriptions. Here are just a few of the more popular magazines. See the "Business Articles" section of this page for more.

Business Week cover image

Bloomberg Businessweek

The Economist cover image

The Economist

Harvard Business Review cover image

Harvard Business Review

Browse by date or use the "search this publication" option to search by title, author, or keywords.


Also follow along with popular business-themed podcasts from NPR


Photo by Chris Li on Unsplash

The SMC undergraduate curriculum in Business Administration focuses on six primary concentrations. The summary below offers suggestions for starting points for research in those specialized areas. 


Finance Research in Finance is best covered by the resources on this general Business Administration research guide. In particular, the resources in Company InformationIndustry Information, and Investment Information sections provide quick and reliable data and analysis needed for valuation, price modeling, and more.
marketing Additional resources and research suggestions for marketing courses can be found at the guide for Marketing
Global Business Additional resources and research suggestions for global business courses can be found at the guide for Global Business
Entrepreneurship Research in Entrepreneurship is best covered by the resources on this general Business Administration research guide. In particular, the Business Articles and Case Studies sections will connect you to the literature you need explore entrepreneurship theories and examples, and the Industry Information section is invaluable for examining business environments and identifying opportunities. 
Business Analytics Business Analytics uses a lot of raw data. The resources suggested for data are in the Consumer and Statistical Information section of this general Business Administration research guide. You can also find statistical and graphical tools in the Citing and Writing section.
Digital Media  


Graduate Business education at SMC includes seven programs. The summary below offers suggestions for starting points for research in those specialized areas.


MBA Research for the courses and topics of the PMBA and EMBA programs are best covered by the resources on this general Business Administration research guide. In particular, the Business Articles and Case Studies sections will connect you to the scholarly and professional / trade literature you need explore theories and examples.
Global Business Additional resources and research suggestions for global business courses can be found at the guide for Global Business
Accounting The resources best for Accounting can be found on the research guide for Accounting
Business Analytics Business Analytics uses a lot of raw data. The resources suggested for data are in the Consumer and Statistical Information section of this general Business Administration research guide. You can also find statistical and graphical tools in the Citing and Writing section.
Finance Research in Finance is best covered by the resources on this general Business Administration research guide. In particular, the resources in Company Information, Industry Information, and Investment Information sections provide quick and reliable data and analysis needed for valuation, price modeling, and more.
Management Research for the courses and topics of the Management program is best covered by the resources on this general Business Administration research guide. In particular, the Business Articles and Case Studies sections will connect you to the scholarly and professional / trade literature you need explore theories and examples. For your global course and travel, see the Global Business page for additional resources. 
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