SMC Library has over 200 databases, so here are some recommendations in an attempt to narrow that down. PAIS and ProQuest All are recommended over Multisearch, but all three are excellent in finding peer-reviewed articles.
Please remember that you can also find non-peer-reviewed articles as well in these databases!
Want to see if a journal is peer-reviewed? Check the title in Ulrich's. If it says Academic/Scholarly in the Content Type heading, then it is an academic journal, which may or may not be peer-reviewed. If it says "yes" next to Refereed then it is a peer-reviewed journal. You can also see the refereed symbol in a chart to the left of the results, a black image that reminds me of gritted teeth.
Additionally, you can use Ulrich's to find the full name of an abbreviated title. For instance if you type in: Pak J Med Sci, Ulrich's will display Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences
The peer-reviewed databases in the previous section were for general subjects. But if you are focusing on a particular policy (social justice, education, LGBTQ rights, etc.) then pay attention to our subject specific databases.
Search for your policy issue like this: country name AND policy issue. (France AND "gay marriage")
Here are some recommended databases:
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