Empirical Research in the Social Sciences and Education

Basic info, tips, & resources for finding empirical research, especially in Education, Counseling, and the Behavioral/Social Sciences


Empirical research is published in scholarly, peer-reviewed journals and in scholarly books. However, most databases and websites don't offer straightforward ways to locate empirical research. Check out the tips below on how to locate empirical sources.

PsycInfo: Use the Drop Down

  • PsycInfo: this database has tons of peer-reviewed articles, limit to empirical sources by going to "Advanced Search" and selecting "Empirical Study" under the Methodology dropdown:

Methodology drop down. Choose Empirical Study

Education Source: Using Keywords

  • Education Source: one of the largest databases for education research. This database unfortunately doesn't have a handy drop-down to limit to empirical sources. Instead, use the phrase "empirical study" or one of the thesaurus phrases below: 
Action Research Case Study

Content Analysis

Data Analysis


Evaluation Methods


Focus Groups

Field Studies


Longitudinal Studies

Mail Surveys

Mixed Methods Research

Naturalistic Observation

Online Surveys

Participant Observation

Participatory Research

Qualitative Research



Statistical Analysis

Statistical Studies

Statistical Surveys

Telephone Surveys

Use Studies

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