Library Support for Faculty Teaching

Class sessions

Interested in a library session for your class? Photo of a librarian guiding students researching on iPads with bookshelves behind them

Library sessions usually work best when:

  • they are requested at least two weeks in advance,
  • students have an assignment requiring research,
  • they have some initial ideas about a topic or question they want to pursue,
  • you have informed students in advance about how this particular session will help them succeed in the class (and beyond), and
  • you encourage students to follow up with librarians after the session for individual assistance with their research.

A library session with your subject librarian can:

  • Assist students in defining their information needs, identifying and selecting appropriate sources of information, and evaluating their sources in terms of relevance and authority
  • Assist students in developing strategies for information seeking and ethical use of information.
  • Assist students in developing critical thinking and decision making skills necessary for research.
  • Integrate hands-on learning techniques for database searching.

In addition, your subject librarian can: 

  • Collaborate with you to design effective research assignments that meet Critical Thinking and Research Practices (CTRP) or Graduate Student Research and Information Literacy (SRIL) requirements and utilize library resources.
  • Embed library resources into your Moodle course.
  • Create a research guide highlighting discipline-specific library resources.
  • Develop asynchronous tutorials and instructional materials .

Contact your subject librarian to schedule a library session or request asynchronous resources.

Guiding Documents


Gina Kessler Lee
Head of Teaching and Research Services

(925) 631-4413

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.