Medieval History

Finding Primary Sources

History research requires primary sources. There is no one place to find primary sources as the primary sources depend on the type of research you are doing.

For history from medieval times, you will be relying on translated works.  Many of these can be found using Library Search for books.  Using keywords: crusades and chronicle, for instance will yield a list of translated contemporary accounts of the Crusades.  You can try other keywords: letters, diary, personal narrative, sources, to see if there is anything in your topic area that might have a primary source in a book form. 

Other ways to find primary sources is through your scholarly research.  Historians always work from primary sources, so you can identify which sources they used, and then try to find them once they have been identified.

If you are struggling, please ask for help from your professor, or from the librarian.

Examples of Primary Sources

Internet Medieval Sourcebook - A collection of full text and excerpted texts on a variety of different topics. Includes a section on the Crusades. Searchable.

Letters of Crusaders - A collection of historical texts transcribed by history students at Hanover College.

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