Open Educational Resources are hosted on a variety of repositories. Search many of these repositories at once with OASIS (Openly Available Sources Integrated Search) from SUNY Geneseo:
Here are more OER repositories and search engines:
- BCcampus OpenEd: Supporting the post-secondary institutions of British Columbia, BCcampus OpenEd offers open textbooks in a variety of digital formats, searchable by subject.
- Mason OER Metafinder: the broadest search of open access books and other educational materials, from George Mason University.
- MERLOT (Multimedia Education Resource for Learning and Online Teaching): a repository of OER and an international consortium of higher education institutions, including the California State University system.
- OER Commons: a public digital library of OER, funded by ISKME, an independent education nonprofit located in Half Moon Bay, California.
- Open Textbook Library: Supported by the Center for Open Education at the University of Minnesota, Open Textbook Library offers more than 690 textbooks across a range of subjects that have been reviewed by faculty from a variety of colleges and universities to assess their quality.
- OpenStax: a nonprofit educational initiative based at Rice University that offers peer-reviewed, openly licensed textbooks across a range of disciplines.
Also see these additional resources for finding OERs, including open courses and curated lists of OERs by subject, compiled by the University of Pittsburgh.