Stats can be confusing. If you're not finding what you're looking for, check out the Data LibGuide or ask at the Reference Desk for assistance.
California Department of Education: Data & Statistics: Identify trends and educational needs in California schools
DataQuest: Facts about California schools and districts
American Association of University Professors is a database of salary information of professors at the nation's universities, provided by the Chronicle of Higher Education.
Child Trends DataBank contains tables and statistics on indicators relating to child education in the United States.
College Board Program Results is a collection of data on SAT Suite test performance along with state reports, under various categories, such as subject, gender, and ethnicity.
College Results Online is a database provided by the Education Trust containing information on graduation rates at public and private universities available by ethnicity, gender, and comparison groups of similar universities.
Institute for Educational Sciences, headed by the Department of Education, provides statistical data on Education in the US.
National Center for Education Statistics is the primary federal organization within the U.S. Department of Education and the Institute of Education Sciences that is responsible for collecting statistics relating to education in the U.S. and other nations.
National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) Information Center is a collection of statistics relating to education and policymaking, and includes a "Generate Your Own Data" feature based on user-selected criteria.
National Institute for Early Education Research is a database of indicators of pre-school education policy across the fifty states.
Office for Civil Rights provides data on public school enrollment and services in the United States according to ethnicity, disability, and gender.
Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE) provides statistics on campus security at the nation's universities.
Scientists and Engineers Statistical Data System (SESTAT) is a database of educational, employment, and demographic statistics on scientists and engineers in the United States.
United States Census Bureau: American FactFinder is now part of the US Census Bureau data, just search "education" to see education related statistics.
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