The accepted format for citing sources in the social sciences is the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. The School of Economics and Business Administration (SEBA) at Saint Mary’s College, too, emphasizes the use of APA in SEBA course work.
The APA Manual of Style, 7th edition is available for reference in the Library, see the Reference collection at call# 150.149 Am35
For quick help citing sources in the 7th edition, see the Library's APA Format Guide
Search or browse through Purdue OWL's great website on citation.
You can see format samples at websites like Purdue OWL and in the print copy of the APA Manual of Style. Librarians can help you with this, as well.
Having trouble putting it all together? The SMC Center for Writing Across the Curriculum (or, "The Writing Center") offers peer-to-peer advising sessions for both undergraduate and graduate students. You can call or stop by to make an appointment, or can also drop in and do a session immediately, if an adviser is available. See their website for more information, or stop by 1st floor De La Salle, or call them at 925.631.4684
Tools for Design | Timelines | Mapping | Flowcharts |
Piktochart | Timeline JS | Gunn Map 2 | X Mind | | Tiki-Toki | Tableau Public | Draw (Google Drive add-on) | | MindMeister | ||
Canva | Lucidchart |
*Most of these have basic functionality with free registration; more options are available with "pro" or paid accounts.
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Also, visit the Data and Visualization Department, Duke University Libraries, for more information, tools, and resources.
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