
This is the recommended first stop for all leadership research. Use the left side bar to navigate through helpful tips and the best resources available through the SMC Library, as recommended by your librarian.

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screenshot of SMC Library Search bar

Library Search: Find print books ebooks, journals, videos, and more available through SMC.

 Screenshot of Google Scholar landing page

Google Scholar: Has a similar interface to Google but includes academic articles, dissertations & more. Great place to figure out search terms.

Screenshot of Leadership databases selected by subject in A to Z database list

Leadership DatabasesFind the best leadership databases for more pointed searching.

screenshot of "search using interlibrary loan" text

Interlibrary Loan: Get articles the SMC library doesn't own delivered for free, usually within 24 hours.  

screen shot of Ask Us page with library contact info

Chat with a Librarian: Get immediate research assistance from an SMC Librarian. 

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