SMC Scholar Profiles

Manage Scholar Profile

Scholar Profiles are set up using SMC login credentials. The Scholar Profile is co-managed by the Library and the faculty member. Once a Scholar Profile is created by the Library:

Log in to your profile

Go to, click on the Login to Pure at the bottom left of the page.

Follow the on-screen directions to connect your Profile with SMC. If you don't have an Elsevier account, you might have to use Forget Your Password to activate your login with your SMC email.

Build/update your profile

  1. Once logged in, you will be directed to your Scholar Profile
  2. Click on Edit Profile or Add New [research outputs, activities, projects etc.]
    1. When updating profile photo, choose "portrait" in the category
    2. For Research Output: click import from online source (e.g. Scopus) or add data manually
  3. Contact your subject librarian to add/update works or have questions on your profile.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.