Roses are red, violets are blue,
Zotero saves sources just for you!
This Valentine’s Day, let Zotero be your perfect research partner—always remembering where you left that article, organizing your citations with care, and never ghosting you when it’s time to generate a bibliography. Whether you're crafting a syllabus, writing a paper, or guiding students through research, Zotero's browser plugin and desktop app make it easy to pin, organize, annotate, and cite any source your heart desires.
Swipe right on smarter citation management—download Zotero today! 💘📚
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Valentine's puns courtesy of ChatGPT.
It happens all the time: you're browsing around online, and you come across a scholarly journal article that’s locked behind a paywall. Sure, you can copy and paste the citation information into Library Search to see if you can get it through the Library. But there’s another way…LibKey Nomad!
LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that uses an article's DOI to connect you to the SMC Library's journal subscriptions or open-access versions of the article. So the next time you're looking at a list of references on PubMed, Wikipedia, or a scholarly publisher's website, you'll see buttons that take you right to the full-text. It'll even warn you if an article you're about to look at has been retracted.
Get LibKey Nomad
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