Executive DBA courses

A guide specifically for the recommended research resources for doctoral candidates in the Executive DBA program. Also useful for other courses with traditionally academic research assignments.

Theses and Dissertations

You can always get an idea of the topics being discussed in doctoral research as well as examples of how dissertations are formatted and presented by looking at examples of previously accepted dissertations from other institutions. To do that, search by your topics of interest in the following database:


This database includes master's theses as well as doctoral dissertations from PhD, EdD, DBA, and other degrees. (It most likely includes the doctoral dissertations of your professors and advisers, and it will someday include your own!)

To limit to just those dissertations completed for fulfillment of a Doctorate of Business Administration program, choose "Degree" from the drop down menu and add "DBA" as the term. Your topic of interest can be added as a keyword to find those relevant to your area.  

screen capture of limiting to DBA in degree type

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.