Creative Writing

This guide highlights SMC Library resources for Creative Writing students and faculty

Looking for a book?

Library Search

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Sometimes you discover the right book through serendipity! Browse the second floor stacks and see what you stumble across:

American poetry: 811

American fiction: 813

How to write (manuals, etc.): 808.02

Nonfiction is shelved by subject:

The Dewey Decimal System: 000 General Knowledge, 100 Philosophy & Psychology, 200 Religion, 300 Social Sciences, 400 Languages, 500 Science, 600 Technology, 700 Arts & Recreation, 800 Literature, 900 History & Geography

Use Library Search to look for a book. If the book you're looking for doesn't come up, click the link at the top to expand your search beyond SMC:

Screenshot of expand your search link


Then if the book comes up, click Get it for me from other libraries:

Screenshot of a book record with the link that says "Get it for me from other libraries"


Then you can select whether you want the whole book sent to you (within 7 days) or whether you just need a chapter scanned (within 24 hours):

Screenshot showing resource sharing options: get a physical copy delivered in 7 days and keep for 112 days, or Need a chapter? delivered in 24 hours by email.


I also highly recommend getting a library card for one or more local public libraries; they have excellent creative writing collections including many e-books that you can download instantly.

If it's a book you think we should have, send an email to Gina Kessler Lee (gkl2@stmarys), the MFA librarian, to let me know!

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