
The recommended first-stop for all politics research. Use the left side bar to navigate to the various kinds of resources available through the SMC Library.

Writing and Citing


All Citation Guides: MLA, APA,ASA and Chicago 


Chicago Manual of Style Online. Also available in print in the reference room (Ref 808.02 Un3e)

Chicago Manual of Style (Author-Date) - a quick guide from the SMC Library

Quick Guide to Chicago Style from the Chicago manual publishers. Scroll down to the Author/Date tab, and select that for a list of examples of citation.

Citation Management Software

Consider getting the Firefox (browser) extension called Zotero to better manage your online citations. You can also use Mendeley. Both are free! To find out more, to go the Citation Managers guide.

Writing Assistance

Having trouble putting it all together? The SMC Center for Writing Across the Curriculum (or, "The Writing Center") offers peer-to-peer advising sessions for both undergraduate and graduate students. You can call or stop by to make an appointment, or can also drop in and do a session immediately, if an adviser is available. See their website for more information, or stop by the first floor of DeLaSalle, or call us: 925.631.4684

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.