U.S. Politics


America Votes: A handbook of contemporary American election statistics. (Ref 324.73 Am35). SMC has the complete set of this series from volume 1 (published during the Eisenhower administration) to the present.  The last few years of the books are online.

ANES: American National Election Studies - Offers datasets from each election (an archive from 1952-2008), a bibliography for each dataset, and a Guide to Public Opinion and Electoral Behavior. Tables and statistics can be copied easily, so be sure and cite where you found it. You need to set up a profile to use the database.

Elections and Voter Information - From the Secretary of State of California.  Voter registration, ballot measures, guidelines.

Guide to U.S. Elections - an online study from Sage, covering the study of all United State federal elections, as well as the governor races in the individual states, from the beginning of the republic to the present.

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