U.S. Politics

Governmental Sites

The American Presidency Project - Over 100,000 documents studying the presidents and the institution of the presidency.

Budget of the United States Government - Available online.

Presidential Libraries - Guides and finding aids for each library.

White House presents not only information about the White House but also connections to most of the Independent agencies of the U.S. Federal government. For text of executive orders, go here Older executive orders from previous administrations can be found in the National Archives.

Budget of the United States Government. Annual, from the Government Printing Office (GPO).

Congress and the Nation - Available online from 1945 to the present, this important reference work focuses on legislation and issues over periods of time, organized by date, and also by topic.

Congress.gov is the updated version of the Library of Congress'sThomas.gov.

Congressional Black Caucus - Formed to "meet the needs of millions of neglected citizens." Press releases, speeches, and articles. Use with Black Members of the United State Congress 1870-present, updated annually.

Congressional Research Service - A place to browse reports from the Library of Congress's Congressional Research Service via the FAS.

C-SPAN - Commercial-free live coverage of congressional proceedings. Using their search box will search their Video Library (archive) which includes thousands of hours of coverage of important issues such as the Iran-Contra Affair, the Gulf Oil Spill, the Clinton Impeachment proceedings, and much more.

United States House of Representatives server has a wealth of information on legislators and legislation, including committee actions, voting records, etc. There is also a directory of representatives.

United States Senate - Directory of senators and their Web sites. Information on the committees, activities, and history of the Senate.

The Supreme Court - The site includes all decisions from 1991 to the present. To search for the decisions, it is simpler to search within the site via Google. For example: abortion site:supremecourt.gov will search for all mention of abortion from the domain indicated. You can also search within the site. Texts of older decisions can be found in many places, including NexisUni, or if you know the name of the case, another Google search will often yield it from a governmental archive. You can also search Albert: albert.stmarys-ca.edu for broad looks at the Supreme Court in a variety of topics. Try searching abortion supreme court in Albert as an example.

Ballot Measure Database - "NCSL’s Ballot Measures database includes all statewide ballot measures for more than a century. The database is searchable by topic area, with options such as abortion, bond measures, criminal justice, education, elections, health, labor and employment, natural resources, tax and revenues, transportation and more. The database is updated as new ballot measures qualify to be on the ballot." From the NCSL, the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Governing.com - An Internet portal to find current information by and about state and local governments.

National Conference of State Legislatures - Bipartisan organization that provides information to the legislators of the 50 states and lobbies Congress on the behalf of the states.

Stateline.org - Current and updated information about what is going on at the state level.

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