United States Census which includes American FactFinder the basic tool for finding census information.
U.S.A.gov - Links to a number of key online statistical sources from U.S. Government agencies.
Population Reference Bureau: United States Indicators - Not just census information, but topical as well, in such areas as environment, AIDS, education, gender, etc.
Data.gov - "The home of the U.S. Government's open data." Links to data sources produced by agencies of the U.S. government. Browse topics, or do a quick search.
Bureau of Justice Statistics - Crime, criminal offenders, drugs, homicide, plus statistics on the justice system.
Uniform Crime Reports: Crime in the United States - Crime statistics from the FBI. Includes reports on terrorism, hate crimes, and uniform crime.
Criminal Statistics - From the California Attorney General's office, some 5,000 statistical tables, 59 reports, 26 publications....from the Criminal Justice Statistics Center.
National Center for Education Statistics - The main source of education statistics in the United States. Includes The Condition of Education and the Digest of Education Statistics.
National Center for Health Statistics - From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Access to statistical tables on behavioral risk factors, infant and child health, vital statistics, and chronic diseases.
Center for Health Statistics, Office of Health Information and Research - Statistical reports on health for California.
Bureau of Labor Statistics - Includes national and regional labor economics information, including wage data, employment & unemployment rates, consumer price index, and the Occupational Outlook Handbook.
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