United Nations
UNdata - Statistical portal producted by the UN Statistical division. Allows searching across UN divisions. Allows you to compare countries.
UNStats - website of the UN Statistical Division. Contains statistics and publications produced by the division.
Demographic Yearbook: Annuaire Demographique
Statistical Yearbook (United Nations)
Other sources
Google Public Data Explorer - Find a variety of publicly available international and national statistics. Includes education, health, business, demographics, sales, and more.
OECD Statistics - From the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Allows you to browse by topic or country.
Population Reference Bureau: Country Profiles - Arranged by country name. ..."provide[s] quick access to essential information on population, health, and the environment for over 200 countries."
Our World in Data - "an online publication that shows how living conditions are changing." Provides articles and charts on various topics.