Fac Chats

Info and suggested readings for the Intercultural Center and the Library's "Fac Chats" series

Talk Description

Join the Intercultural Center and the Library for our third Fac Chat on November 14 at 1:00 in Delphine Lounge.

Michael Joseph ViolaDr. Michael Joseph Viola, Assistant Professor, Justice, Community, and Leadership, will chat about "Toward a Filipino/a Radical Tradition: Filipino/a American Activism — From Racialization to Radicalization." 

In this talk I trace a Filipino/a American counter-consciousness beginning with the Filipino American War of 1898 through the fall of the U.S. supported Ferdinand Marcos dictatorship in 1986. Throughout my historical analysis I foreground the emergent forms of counter-consciousness and cultural activity of Filipino/a Americans activated in response to varying historical experiences of racialization as result of the U.S. imperial project in the Philippines. After pointing to central activist figures and community-based organizations who I maintain are important in conceptualizing a radical Filipino tradition, I conclude the paper with important questions that confront us in our present moment if we are to build upon this tradition moving from the autumn of racial capitalism to a new spring of humanization for Filipino/a Americans and people everywhere.

Suggested Readings

Michael's Suggested Readings

(a) How Filipino Migrants Gave the Grape Strike Its Radical Politics: Honoring Larry Itliong and a generation of radicals whose political ideas are as relevant to workers now as they were in 1965.

by David Bacon
(b) United Farm Workers (UFW) Movement: Philip Vera Cruz, Unsung Hero
by Kent Wong
Edited by Jeff Cabusao
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