Fac Chats

Info and suggested readings for the Intercultural Center and the Library's "Fac Chats" series

Talk Description

Photo of Loan DaoOn October 21, Dr. Loan Dao, will present "Here to Stay: API Activists in the Immigrant Rights Movement."

This talk aims to capture political identify formation that leads to political participation for undocumented and DACA AAPI youth. It considers how their status as undocumented or DACA helped them form a collective identity, and in turn become active in the immigrant rights movement. Through strategic storytelling, they shape the narrative framing in both the immigrant rights and in AAPI communities.

Suggested Resources

Alulema, D. (2019). DACA and the Supreme Court: How we got to this point, a statistical profile of who is affected, and what the future may hold for DACA beneficiaries. CMS Report. https://doi.org/10.14240/cmsrpt111119

kim, s. m. & yellow horse, a. j. (2018, Fall). Undocumented Asians, left in the shadows. Contexts, 17(4), 70-71. https://doi.org/10.1177/1536504218812875

Ramakrishnan, K. (n.d.) AAPI DATA: Demographic Data & Policy Research on Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders. https://aapidata.com/

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